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Digital strategy
Digital Government Strategy Report for the Department of Commerce
1.2. Ensure all new IT systems follow the open data, content, and web API policy and operationalize agency.gov/developer pages
Overall Status: In-progress
1.2.1. Document policy for architecting new IT systems for openness by default
Describe policy: To ensure future information systems and services comply with the Federal Digital Strategy and Open Data Policy (M-13-13, May 9, 2013) and to modernize existing systems to leverage APIs, Commerce will integrate digital strategy and open data requirements and guidance to existing processes and workflows. As such, the Office of the Chief Information Officer will examine and validate projects to ensure they include a digital strategy component for open data and interoperability and address the open data requirements.
1.2.4. Develop Data Inventory Schedule - Summary
Summarize the Inventory Schedule: Given the volume and complexity of Commerce's data, we have worked with OMB and GSA to build an EDI that complies with OMB policy. However, we are still working to fully integrate our millions of data sets into a single data management system.
1.2.5. Develop Data Inventory Schedule - Milestones
Title: Milestone 1 - Expand and Open EDI
Description: The Department of Commerce will initially
focus on expanding and opening its Enterprise Data Inventory. To this
end, the Open Government Senior Leaders, in collaboration with Agency
CIOs, Data Stewards, and the Data.gov Points of Contact, will continue
to work with Commerce Office of Open Government and Privacy to identify,
prioritize and submit additional public, non-public and
restricted-public datasets to the department. In addition, the Open
Government Senior Leaders and Data.gov Points of Contact will continue
the development of an Open Data process and guidance that expedite the
publication of its datasets in the future. At the end of Q1, Commerce
will submit an updated EDI to OMB. Over the second quarter, from
February 28 to May 31, Commerce and its component bureaus will continue
to input into its EDI additional datasets. The department will also
continue to collaborate with its Data Stewards to update its customer
feedback and outreach efforts. At the end of Q2, Commerce will submit an
updated EDI to OMB.
Milestone Date: February 28, 2014
Description of how this milestone expands the Inventory:
The department’s Enterprise Data Inventory (EDI), as defined by OMB
guidance, is the same as the Public Data Listing (PDL) in that none of
the public data assets in the department’s data catalog have been
Description of how this milestone enriches the Inventory:
As part of an ongoing effort, the Department is making every effort to
conduct and publish a comprehensive inventory of our total data assets.
However, due to the size, history and complexity of the Department of
Commerce’s Bureaus, the current inventory available on
commerce.gov/data.json represents less than 1 percent of the actual
Title: Milestone 2 - Enrich EDI and Public Datasets
Description: Commerce's data sets are now integrated into one .json file that is harvested by Data.gov
Milestone Date: May 31, 2014
1.2.6. Develop Customer Feedback Process
Describe the agency's process to engage with customers: Since the last milestone report, the following actions were taken in order to improve the department’s mechanisms for public feedback:
- Added functions to our data.commerce.gov web page that include a “suggest a dataset” web form and also an “Engage” set of tools to connect via social media.
- Went live with a public, Department-level Github account that is publishing public repos and responding to issue posts.
- Started hosting “office hours” with the Office of the Chief Data Officer where the public will be able to present questions and comments.
- Launched the Commerce Data Advisory Council that is, among other things, seeking to channel industry feedback for the entire department
1.2.7. Develop Data Publication Process
Describe the agency's data publication process:
2.1. Engage with customers to identify at least two existing major customer-facing services that contain high-value data or content as first-move candidates to make compliant with new open data, content, and web API policy.
Overall Status: In-progress
2.1.1. Paragraph on customer engagement approach
Paragraph on customer engagement approach: In addition to informal discussions with internal and external stakeholders, we have posted an entry on our blog soliciting feedback. We have also used a Facebook poll and daily tweets to drive traffic. Several stories have been written about our outreach and have also driven traffic to the blog post.
Since the last milestone report, the following actions were taken in order to improve the Department’s mechanisms for public feedback:
- Added functions to our data.commerce.gov web page that include a “suggest a dataset” web form and also an “Engage” set of tools to connect via social media.
- Went live with a public, department-level Github account that is publishing public repos and responding to issue posts.
- Started hosting “office hours” with the Office of the Chief Data Officer where the public will be able to present questions and comments.
- Launched the Commerce Data Advisory Council that is, among other things, seeking to channel industry feedback for the entire Department.
2.1.2. Prioritized list of systems (datasets)
System Name: Export.gov API
System Description: An API that will allow developers access to Export.gov events data
System Scope: External
Main Customer: Freight Forwarders and Trade Associations
System Name: Census API
System Description: Additional economic and demographic data
System Scope: External
Main Customer: Users of economic and demographic data such as realtors, economic professionals,
2.2. Make high-value data and content in at least two existing, major customer-facing systems available through web APIs, apply metadata tagging and publish a plan to transition additional high-value systems
Overall Status: In-progress
2.2.1. Publish plan on future activity
Describe policy: Commerce.gov will publish a content API and BEA will publish a data API by the end of Q3 2013
2.2.2. Make 2+ systems (datasets) available via web APIs with metadata tags
Name of system: Commerce.gov
Description of system: A content API
Scope of system: External
Main Customers: Public
4.2. Establish an agency-wide governance structure for developing and delivering digital services
Overall Status: In-progress
Paragraph on Governance: Commerce is currently working within existing frameworks to strengthen communication and oversight of digital products.
Since the last update, Secretary Pritzker created the Office of Digital Engagement with the charge to improve how Commerce engages with our customers. From this Office has been the launch of a mobile-friendly website and a new data portal.
The Secretary also created the Office of the Chief Data Officer and hired two staff. That office has begun the work of assembling a comprehensive Enterprise Data Inventory and engaging more directly with data users.
URL to Governance Document: http://osec.doc.gov/webresources/doc_web_policies_best_practices.htm
5.2. Develop an enterprise-wide inventory of mobile devices and wireless service contracts
Overall Status: completed
5.2.1. Develop wireless and mobile inventory
Inventory Status: In-progress; Commerce updates its baseline inventory quarterly through the OMB Integrated Data Collection (IDC) exercise.
5.3. Evaluate the government-wide contract vehicles in the alternatives analysis for all new mobile-related procurements
Overall Status: in-progress
Describe Implementation: Commerce has established a
baseline inventory and updates the inventory quarterly through the OMB
Integrated Data Collection (IDC) exercise. The Department of Commerce
delegated responsibility for managing mobile device inventories to its
components. In order to continue providing reliable service while
ensuring the most competitive pricing to date, Commerce signed blanket
purchase agreements (BPA) with three major carriers (Verizon, AT&T,
T-Mobile) to provide wireless services and devices. The BPA leverages
the volume of wireless services and devices that Commerce purchases each
year to drive competition while providing the department with a faster
and more effective way to order wireless services and devices.
5.3. Evaluate the government-wide contract vehicles in the alternatives analysis for all new mobile-related procurements
Overall Status: In-progress
Describe Implementation: Commerce is considering using GSA's BPA for mobile-related procurements.
6.3. Ensure all new digital services follow digital services and customer experience improvement guidelines
Overall Status: In-progress
Describe Implementation:
7.1. Engage with customers to identify at least two existing priority customer-facing services to optimize for mobile use.
Overall Status: In-progress
7.1.1. Paragraph on customer engagement approach
Paragraph on customer engagement approach: In addition to informal discussions with internal and external stakeholders, we have posted an entry on our blog soliciting feedback. We have also used a Facebook poll and daily tweets to drive traffic. Several stories have been written about our outreach and have also driven traffic to the blog post.
7.1.2. Prioritized list of systems (datasets)
System Name: NOAA Coast Survey Maps
System Description: Android App for digitizing NOAA Coast Survey Maps
System Scope: External
Main Customer: Recreational boaters
System Name: Census mobile app
System Description: Census will develop an additional mobile app
System Scope: External
Main Customer: Citizens and users of demographic data
7.2. Optimize at least two existing priority customer-facing services for mobile use and publish a plan for improving additional existing services
Overall Status: Completed
Describe Implementation: Both Commerce.gov and BEAs API are in a testing environment with the hopes to deliver by end of Q3 2013
7.2.1. Report on services
Service Name: Commerce.gov
Service Description: Ensuring mobile-optimization of Commerce.gov
System Scope: External
Primary customers: Citizens with mobile devices
8.2. Implement performance and customer satisfaction measuring tools on all .gov websites
Overall Status: Completed
8.2.1. Implement performance measurement tool
Implemented Digital Analytics Program: Yes
If Not, Describe Implementation: Google Analytics code has been shared with Commerce.gov team. Working through security and legal concerns
Percent of websites covered: N/A
URL of performance data: N/A
8.2.2. Implement customer satisfaction tool
Describe Implementation: Commerce is still working on possible solutions to measure customer satisfaction across all websites.
URL of performance data: N/A